Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Re: 100,000,000 M I L L I O N D O L L A R S IS YOUR WINNING PRIZE..

Reply To: bandmfoundation@hotmail.com


Hello Lucky One,

This is Bill Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In my decision to donate all my wealth to the less privileged people around the world and also to the motherless babies homes. I and Melinda are donating the sum of $100,000,000 (One Hundred Million US Dollars) to you. We encourage that you use this fund donation to do give to charity homes and orpahnages of your choice as mentioned earlier. In order to proceed with your fund claims, you should send the following information;

(1) Full Name....
(2) Your Age....
(3) Country....
(4) Living Country....
(4) Male/Female....
(5) Mobile No....

Kindly send the above-mentioned information to email: bandmfoundation@hotmail.com

Thank you and congratulations from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Best Regards,

Bill Gates
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Email: bandmfoundation@hotmail.com

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