So now I am homeless, jobless, and carless. Amazing how few keys I have.
5 days till Virgin flight. And in between stands my entire wardrobe and 75 pairs of shoes, awaiting packing. Isn't this when the little fairies come in? I've lost my vim.
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. -Marcel Proust
I read them and felt them and didn't keep them. I wonder if that was a mistake.
Now just add some margaritas and see what happens.
Having just made a big decision to change my life, it is something I think I need to remember. Too often we think we know what should happen and round peg/square hole it.
For once, I am trying to let things happen more organically. Something I think we all can consider.
Let me ask you, gentle readers, your opinion, since you ostensibly are to be reading this flipping thing.
Name of my blogPlease Vote. (Speaking of voting -- I just registered in VA, so I can get my absentee ballot. And my vote may even count!)