Sunday, 22 May 2005

and back again

Am back in the UK!

Seamless flight, a few nervous questions at Immigration (I think I am in the 'system' now to raise a few eyebrows and I knew I was in for it when I was asked if I had had 'trouble with Immigration' in the past after scanning my passport). The officer had to 'make enquiries' which had me with a dry mouth and the feeling of a felon. After about 30 minutes, many factual questions about my studying, where I live, how much money I have, what Mark does, where we met, producing my return ticket, the letter Mark wrote stating that he would support me, suffering 3 separate times for the officer to confer with her superiors, I heard the satisfying Clunk Clunk of the passport stamp. She gave me a stern look and told me that I must leave the country within 6 months.

So, Immigration is still a scary place for me.

Luckily, Cambridge is not and after a 3 hour, drooling unconscious sleep in the home bed, a cheese toastie and a cuppa tea, I am human and I am home.

P.S. Barb U, thank you for your e-mail. Thought a posting of this may be ok.

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