Mark's that is.
As Mark is spending his 4th weekend eyeball deep in drilling and sawing and pounding and earning blood blisters, I sit idly by with offers of occasional cups of tea and making good on my promises of a good meal when the day is done.
He is seriously going to TOWN. Building from scratch:
- a walk in 'cupboard' for all manner of tools and buckets, and hide able cleaning junk
- a wardrobe
- and is now installing new wooded worktops/counters in the kitchen.
I sometimes feel a little guilty that I am not really helping. Or Helping At All. I mean, this is my baby's room and my house too. Shouldn't I be helping? No, he claims. Honestly, I do love my pregnancy excuse for not lifting things or holding stuff. But I am seriously Not Needed for this project. Not for the Figuring it Out. The Decisions of How. The Buying of the Materials. The Clean Up of the Mess. And I am so grateful.
He treats this as his job. While mine is to take a nap. How did I get so lucky?
I feel so honoured and a little pampered as he rubs MY hands after a day of hard work.
I can really learn some lessons from him to keep going and see the big picture of how things will look. Not get hung up when things go slightly wrong. Be creative in the approach. Have the right tools. Get help when you need it.
Perhaps this is his version of nesting to get ready for the little one. And this is his labour. Mine after all, will come in 4.5 months. And may involve a little more than a blood blister. And I'll get pain meds.
What is really true is that this, Mark's labour, is no less a labour of love.
Does it diminish this post at all that I just went into the kitchen and every since square inch is COVERED in sawdust and he didn't think to cover things like Food?
i can so see you two embracing these projects. remember when you painted your studio in quebec house with mary r. you three really dazzled me then and that was a couple of coats of paint in a rental unit. !
nope, not diminished at all. you write beautifully!
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