Planning is often pointless -- things rarely go the way you anticipate. But what you can do is prepare. Prepare and dance with whatever shows up.
This has become my mantra and outlook on birth. I am preparing. Preparing the room, preparing my body, preparing the *stuff*, preparing the rest of my life to slow down, preparing help, preparing my energy levels. Doing what I can do.
I don't know how this boy will come into the world. I have thoroughly thought about the preferences on how I'd LIKE it to go. I've outlined my preferences. And at the end of the day, I have to allow what is going to happen to happen. The truest definition of dancing in the moment I can think of.
I have been getting a lot of Leadership lessons flashing into this experience. Asking for help. Trusting my body. Leaning in 100% to Mark, to my child, my body. Operating with intention. Not getting hung up on the particles (oh so hard not to do) and keeping my stake really clear. Creating space in the level 3. And a bit of failing, recovering and staying.
Who knew all those lessons from last year would come in such waves for me now. I think of the ropes courses we did and I know I can trust my body to deliver what it needs to. To tap into inner wisdom. I have my belay team. They have my rope. And I have me.
Something else Karen said also keeps going through my mind.
There will be a time to get nervous and it isn't yet. I'll let you know when.
Kinder words could not be spoken at the time of serious nerves and fear.
And taking that lesson to heart, I am just not going to get nervous yet.
Lewis will tell me when. And I can tell he is already a pretty smart kid.
Wow you are prepared, brilliant and having a boy. How much better could it be. Oh yeah and you have the wisdom of the wisest woman I know ringing in your ears.
Congratulations to a remarkable leader.
Love Henry
There will be a time to get nervous and it isn't yet.
I love that.
dude - i'd be nervous if i were you.
har har. i kill myself i am so hilarious.
From one mom to another, that mantra will hold true throughout your child's life.
Best of luck.
Rebecca Korman
(Jeffrey Korman's wife - He says hi and congratulations.)
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